Welcome message
When you hear the word “Japan,” what comes to mind?
Perhaps it’s the slopes of Yasaka and Gion in Kyoto, Kiyomizu Temple, the Great Buddhas of Nara and Kamakura, Miyajima in Aki, the rows of torii gates at Fushimi Inari Shrine, the scenic views of Mount Fuji and Takachiho Gorge. When it comes to food, maybe sushi and ramen, and for entertainment, perhaps anime and manga? Please take your time to see and enjoy it all.
Amidst such a busy trip, we would like you to take a moment to participate in “Ichigo Ichie” here. At Ichigo Ichie, you can learn about several aspects of traditional Japanese culture, which the Japanese have cherished, nurtured, and carefully handed down through generations, including their historical backgrounds and spirits. Our goal is for what you learn and experience here to become a part of you, teaching you how to incorporate it into your home so that you can recreate and use it in your daily life even after you return to your country.
You will be welcomed with incense-smelling. The cultural experiences include the tea ceremony (matcya), making onigiri (rice balls), furoshiki wrapping, origami folding, hanetsuki (a traditional Japanese game), and kendama (a traditional Japanese skill toy of cup and ball). You will personally experience making matcha-tea, shaping onigiri, wrapping with furoshiki, and folding origami.
We believe that the primary characteristic of Japanese culture is based on “a meticulous way of living.” “Meticulousness” means proceeding with care, taking time, and not neglecting details. The saying “God is in the details” captures this essence. Although this phrase did not originate in Japan, Japanese culture arguably embodies it the most. At “Ichigo Ichie,” we convey this spirit of meticulous care, putting heart into every detail—whether making tea with consideration for others, shaping onigiri and preparing bento, or wrapping with furoshiki. We aim to teach you this mindset so that, upon returning home, you can live a life enriched by this thoughtful approach.
Please experience Japanese culture at “Ichigo Ichie.”
Our unique classroom offers practical learning that goes beyond theory. Here’s why you should choose us:
Reproducibility: Learn skills and knowledge that you can easily apply when you return home. Our hands-on approach ensures that you learn here can be replicated in real-life situations.
Expert Guidance: Our experienced instructors provide personalized guidance. Whether it’s language, culture, or specific skills, we’ll help you build confidence for your post-Japan journey.
You can experience some Japanese Culture…Matcha, Onigiri, Furoshiki wrapping, Toys such as Origami, Hagoita and Kendama! Learn to savor the experience long after you’ve returned home!
“One moment, one meeting” is a Japanese phrase that embodies the idea of cherishing every encounter as a unique and irreplaceable experience. We welcome you all with that spirit of Ichigo Ichie.
モンドセレクション2017年金賞を受賞した1日120個限定の「わ バウム」も是非一度、お試しください。

わ バウム

「毎日食べるパンだから、素材にこだわりたい」 そんな思いで完成した健康食パンです。 完全無添加 グルテンフリー アレルギー対応のこだわりパンを販売しています。お米の自然な甘さを生かして、こんがり焼き上げた米粉100%の米粉食パン。腸活になる食物繊維が豊富な大麦食パン。是非ご賞味下さい。
